So you want to start an uprising? let's do a short questionair to ensure it goes well!
Ps. for better readibility zoom out on the page (according to your preference)
First, an easy question: Is it absolutely necessary to do it?
Okay, do you have a plan?
Do you have enough resources to execute it?
Inlcuding having enough soldiers to fight?
Okay, Now that we have established you have a good plan for the fight, let's think about the potential risk for the civilians and the city.
Did you consider that a lot of inhabitants of the city might die as a result of the warfare?
And how about the architecture? Is it gonna get destroyed in the proces?
Are you still going to do it?
"Jak bardzo mikro było z bronią, niech świadczy decyzja dowódcy o obsłudze jedynego posiadanego w plutonie pistoletu maszynowego sten.
Do tego pistoletu oddelegowano trzech ułanów: jeden był "amunicyjnym", bo nosił woreczek z amunicją, drugi niósł zapasowy magazynek i stąd nosił miano »magazynowego«, a dowódca całości tej trójki dźwigał stena, wyszukiwał cele i naciskał spust."
"How few weapons we had was demonstrated by the commander's decision to use the only Sten machine gun in the platoon.
Three lancers were delegated to this gun: one was an "ammunition officer" because he carried a bag of ammunition, the other carried a spare magazine and hence was called "warehouse officer", and the commander of all three of them carried the Sten, searched for targets and pressed the trigger."
Are you still going to do it?
Yes, it might
Do you think it is worth it?
Great! So you don't need to do it!
yes, but it relies on surprise
Do the enymies expect it?
“Jako żołnierz batalionu Chrobry I brałem udział w walkach na Woli, Starym Mieście i na Przyczółku Czerniakowskim. Gdy wyszedłem z życiem z ruin Warszawy, ostatnie, co mogłoby mi wówczas przyjść do głowy, to to, że byłem współtwórcą moralnego zwycięstwa.”
“As a soldier of batalion Chrobry I I took part in battles in Wola, Stare Miasto and Przyczółek Czerniakowski. When I emerged from the ruins of Warsaw, the last thing that I would think of was that I was a contributor to a moral victory.
Okay it looks like you've got it figured out.
All I can say now is good luck!
Ps. Just please make sure to avoid the following resullts:
- complete ruin of the city
- death of 150 000 civilians
- forced displacement of another 600 000 civilians
All images are part of the digital collection of Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego
All images are part of the digital collection of Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego
All images are part of the digital collection of Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego
All images are part of the digital collection of Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego